Rennie responds to report on Ferguson Marine uncertain future

Responding to a new report from the Auditor General which warns that the future of Ferguson Marine’s Port Glasgow shipyard remains uncertain, Scottish Liberal Democrat economy spokesperson Willie Rennie MSP said:
“It has not been a year to inspire confidence in the running of Ferguson Marine.
“A Chief Executive sacked with the collaboration of government ministers for telling home truths they didn’t want to hear, an order book looking painfully thin and now fresh concerns over poor governance and decision-making.
“In 2025, ministers and bosses need to help Ferguson Marine to turn a corner, with effective leadership and a programme of work to secure the yard’s future.
“Islanders have had to put up with endless delays and taxpayers have been expected to foot a bill for hundreds of millions of pounds, yet still no one in government carries the can.
“This should be a case study for future minsters in how not to do things.”