McArthur to face committee questions on assisted dying bill

Speaking ahead of his appearance on Tuesday morning in front of the Scottish Parliament’s health committee in support of his Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill, Liam McArthur MSP said:
“As we reach the end of the oral evidence sessions, I would like to thank the committee for their work in scrutinising my bill and all the witnesses who have taken time to share their perspectives. Whether you are ultimately in favour of allowing terminally ill Scots with mental capacity the choice of an assisted death or not, there can be no doubt about the importance of ensuring that, should legislation be passed, it is robust drafted and well safeguarded.
“I believe my bill achieves this, though the committee, quite rightly, will wish to rigorously interrogate the proposals I have put forward.
“We know that the principle of assisted dying enjoys strong public support. This message came through strongly in the consultation I conducted and has been reflected consistently in public polling over recent years. That support exists across the population, regardless of age, disability status, geographic area and religious belief.
“As we debate these proposals, however, it is the voices of terminally ill Scots themselves that must be heard loud and clear. I have spoken to many people across the country about the harrowing deaths they have witnessed and to dying people facing a series of horrible decisions and desperate for more choice, control and dignity.
“This bill has been a long time coming but I hope, at long last, it can offer that compassionate choice for the small number of terminally ill Scots who need it.”