Chamberlain comments on Police Scotland Review

Responding to a report in The Herald that an independent review has found sexist and misogynistic attitudes are still “pervasive within Police Scotland” and that these “contribute to a hostile environment towards women within the service, and likely affect policing in wider society,” Scottish Liberal Democrat deputy leader and former police officer Wendy Chamberlain MP said:
“Sexism and misogyny, often disguised as banter, have had a corrosive effect on Scottish policing for too long. Sadly, it does not surprise me that it’s still widespread.
“Several reports have called for reform, including those of Dame Elish Angiolini and Mark Hamilton. Better training for first line managers and robust recording would demonstrate to every officer that they are in a supportive work environment where they can rise through the ranks and achieve their potential.
“Change will require difficult reflections, leadership and commitment to ensure the trust of both staff and the public.”